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Lies are everywhere. Discover the top 10 worst lies ever told by random Joes, politicians & celebrities, including Bill Clinton's lie
It's the job of those working in criminal justice to discern fact from fiction. While lie detectors can be used, most often a crime scene investigator or criminal investigator can pull out lies
Sometimes, it takes a confession with someone associated with the case though. Regardless, here are the top 10 worst lies every told by your average Joe/Jane, politicians, and celebrities
Few know about this terrible lie, but in 2008 Best Buy was incredibly deceptive in trying to sell high-priced HDTVs
With two HDTVs set up adjacent to each other, a Best Buy in North Carolina displayed ESPN. But for some reason, one HDTV looked far crisper than the other
The reason why? One HDTV was showing ESPN HD and the other just ESPN
Why was this done? Best Buy lied, saying the better image was because Best Buy calibrated the TV. So many people were then convinced to pay for Best Buy to 'calibrate' their HDTV.
What sleazeballs!
Ok, ok, not a huge lie, but pretty deceptive. The makers of Blair Witch created a phony website to promote their film as a 'documentary'
We all know the truth now
OK, now the list starts getting juicy.
While running for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton claimed that,
"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."
HA! That's a lie, Hillary.
Mrs. Clinton later retracted her statement, claiming that she 'misspoke'. Right
The world was amazed by Floyd Landis' remarkable comeback in the 2006 Tour de France.
The world was doped though--just like Floyd
After being stripped of his title, Floyd Landis denied his use of performance enhancing drugs
He even attributed the test for elevated levels of testosterone to shots of whiskey!!!
Yeah, right, Floyd.
Now, Floyd Landis has come out and said that he did indeed use performance enhancing drugs--and so did Lance Armstrong.
Here's the thing, though--Lance has always tested negative while Floyd tested positive and committed one of the 10 worst lies ever. Who are we to believe now? I'll take Armstrong.
Janet Cooke won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing in 1981. However, she won it for a fabricated story.
Her story called, "Jimmy's World" profiled a non-existant, 8 year-old heroin addict.
What makes this lie even worse is the fact that Janet Cooke made $1.5 million dollars for selling the rights to a movie based on her story.
A liar and a crook.
Back in 2005, Jennifer Wilbanks was set to be married in Georgia. But then she disappeared for 3 days.
Police searched frantically for her until she turned up in New Mexico, claiming she had been kidnapped and sexually assaulted by, "a Hispanic male with short, black hair and rotten teeth and a heavy set white female with blone,d rosted, shoulder length hair.
That's quite a description, Jennifer
Crime scene investigators later figure dout it was all a lie. Wilbanks was sentenced to 2 years of probation and 120 hours of community service for giving false information to the police
Could you imagine forking over a few million of your dollars to a liar and a crooke?
Bernie Madoff used a Ponzi scheme to fraud over $50 billion from investors.
This criminal promised investors an immense amount of return on their investment, but instead keeps the cash for his personal use and uses some of the newly acquired cash to pay out those who had invested earlier
Richard Nixon claimed, "I am not a crook", after 5 men broke into the DNC headquarters at Watergate Hotel.
But as more details emerged, it ends up Nixon gave an executive order to the criminals
The final nail in the coffin for this liar? Tapes of Nixon conversing about the Watergate plot before it happened.
Next up, Bill Clinton.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman..."
According to President Clinton, because he did not have sexual intercourse with Monica Lewinsky, then he did not have sexual relations.
Well, Mr. President, receiving oral sex and rubbing genitalia constitutes as sexual relations. You're a liar and committed one of the 10 worst lies ever.
Taking the cake, however, is George Bush's claim that,
"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised..." And "[Saddam Hussein is] is a threat because he is dealing ith al Qaeda
Ends up there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq and Iran was the real threat dealing with al Qaeda.
Thanks, Mr. President, for committing one of the top 10 worst lies ever and getting America involved in 2 wars and causing our national deficit to sky rocket.
You're a crook, criminal, and a liar
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So, what do you think is the worst lie ever told?
Is it Bill Clinton's lie? Floyd Landis' lie?
None of the top 10 worst lies? Tell me your thoughts.
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